Why Does a Tomato Knife Have Two Points? (Explained!)

Ever have you wondered why a tomato knife has two points? Yes, there are reasons for sure. But what are the reasons? What would happen if a tomato knife lacks two points?

When I bought such a knife for the first time, I wondered the whole day why it had two points. Later I went for research and found out the reasons behind it.

Gradually, I realized how handy a tomato knife becomes if it has two points at a time. I mark the two-point tomato knife as the most preferable tomato knife to make the most of the money.

A tomato knife’s dual-pointed blade is designed to easily pierce and slice. Tomatoes’ slippery skin resists puncturing by regular knives. The sharp points let the tomato knife quickly pierce the skin without bruising the soft flesh inside. Once pierced, the serrated edge saws smoothly cut the tomato into clean pieces. The curved indentations fit a round tomato shape. This specialized double-tip blade handles tomatoes’ tricky texture in one efficient motion.

In this article, I’m going to discuss why a tomato knife has two points briefly. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

History and Origins of the Tomato Knife

The history and origins of the tomato knife design trace back to the early 20th century. As tomatoes became a more popular produce item in American households, kitchen knife manufacturers sought better designs tailored to their texture and shape.

In the 1920s, the first tomato knife patents emerged, featuring short, thin blades with two sharp points and serrated edges. The curved indentations were intended to contour around round tomatoes for cleaner cuts. The pointed tips allowed cooks to easily pierce the taut tomato skin before slicing the delicate interior flesh.

Brands like Dexter-Russell and Sabatier introduced some of the earliest commercial tomato knives. Vintage knife catalogs from the 1930s-1950s highlight tomato knives as specialized items targeted at housewives preparing salads and sandwiches. The double-pointed tomato blades grew in popularity and availability throughout the mid-20th century and remain a staple style today.

While straight tomato knife blades exist, the dual-pointed design proved most efficient at puncturing skin and handling round shapes. The serrated edge further enhanced precision slicing through soft interiors. These key features have endured over decades, maintaining the tomato knife’s reputation as the best tool for the job.

What is the point of a knife?

In layman’s terms, the absolute end of a knife’s blade is the point. Usually, the points are well-sharpened and finished in a well-decorated end to serve various purposes.

In other words, the edge and spine of a knife come together or meet together in the point.

There are different types of points available in different types of knives, e.g., drop point, clip pointy, needlepoint, and spear point.

Sometimes a single knife offers two separate points at a time, and the tomato knives are most common among the two points or multiple-point knives.

Why two points in a tomato knife?

There are a lot of reasons behind a tomato knife having two points. Eventually, all the reasons center on having very efficient cuts and moving the cuts around very easily. Let us dig into the reasons…

To Pierce or score the tomatoes

There is no way to get the expected cuts of tomato if you do not remove the core of it.  When you expect to cut the tomato efficiently, the first thing you need to do is remove the core of the tomato carefully without damaging the inner part of the tomato.

However, with a single point, no matter how sharp it is, the task becomes very hard to execute properly.

But, if you have a knife with two points, you can easily go into or go through the upper surface of the tomato and remove its core without damaging the inner side, since you get a better grab.

Tomato Knife Have Two Points

To Remove or lift the cuts

When you are preparing to cook food and tomato is one of the ingredients, you will need to move/lift or remove the tomato cuts from the cutting board to complete the preparation.

In that case, you don’t want to use your and you don’t want to smash or damage the tomato flesh. Then what do you do? This is where you need a tomato knife with two blades.

A single point will make the process a failure, as you will not be able to garb the cuts well. However, a two-point knife will easily get through the flesh and help you lift or remove it from the cutting board even without damaging the flesh.

To aid the tip

The tip is the front area of any knife’s edge. It stays just under the point. The tip is used for dedicated or detailed cutting and chopping. Technically, the point is a part of the tip.

When there are two points, the tip becomes more convenient to operate on dedicated cutting or chopping. Thus, it adds to the overall performance of a tomato knife.

Are you facing a hassle with rust on your kitchen knife? Here are the effective tips to handle rust on kitchen knives.

Is a two-point knife mandatory?

No, it isn’t. The one-point knives work just fine. The knives with two points just come with some added benefits.

what is the tip of the knife used for?

The pointed tips of a tomato knife serve a couple of key purposes:

  • Piercing the skin – The sharp twin tips are designed to easily puncture the taut, slippery skin of tomatoes. Regular knife blades often struggle to pierce tomato skin without squishing the delicate interior flesh. The sharp points on a tomato knife allow it to quickly break through the skin with minimal pressure.
  • Guiding the cut – Once the skin is pierced, the pointed tips guide the rest of the blade through the tomato flesh. The tips lead the slicing motion and the serrated edge follows behind to cut through the soft inner parts. The points help make the initial incision and direct the cut in one smooth movement.
  • Contouring shape – Tomatoes are round, while many knives have straight edges. The twin points can contour with the tomato’s curves better than a single point or straight edge. The two tips hug the round flesh tightly while slicing for a more seamless cut.

So in summary, the primary purpose of the pointed tomato knife tips is to easily pierce the skin and then guide the blade through the delicate flesh in a controlled, efficient slicing motion that follows the tomato’s natural contours. The dual tips optimize the knife’s performance for tomatoes specifically.

Is Tomato Knife Mandatory for Tomatoes?

No, it is not mandatory that you have to have a tomato knife to cut tomatoes. But get the best output, it would be better to use a dedicated tomato knife to cut tomatoes. Here I have reviewed the best tomato knife on the market. You could get an idea from here.

Final Thoughts

Actually, the manufacturers developed the two-point knives taking the comfort of the users into account. Piercing, scoring, or lifting the cut slices becomes an easy task because of the two points.

If you are planning to buy a tomato knife with your hard-earned money, go for a tomato knife that offers two points and enjoy the optimal benefits for your money.


Tina Jordan here. Cooking delicious dishes for my family has always been a passion for me. Kitchen and cooking go hand in hand. I have spent a lot of time in my kitchen (still do), so I have a very clear understanding of kitchen gadgets.

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