How To Clean Cast Iron Flat Top Grill?

Cooking is an art of simplicity. Cast iron is popular as a material for kitchenware because of its benefits. With iron and carbon together, the cooking tool can store an enormous amount of heat, which remains relatively warm after the cooking process has been completed. Moreover, it is capable of handling a wide range of traditional and modern cookware items. 

With the flat top grill, you can fry, grill, bake, braise, broil, roast, and much more. This smart gadget is convenient for preparing breakfast or dinner. Cast iron flat-top grills can be cleaned in the same manner as other cooking tools and machines. The surface of this tool must be thoroughly cleaned since it is used with different items such as fish, meat, and vegetables.

However, you should be careful about the cleaning method you choose. Acetic elements are not resistant to cast iron. Therefore, you should use an authentic cleaning method.

How to Clean a Cast Iron Flat Top Grill?

Necessary arrangements for primary cleaning preparations

flat top cast iron grill

Before you proceed with practical cleaning, you should fix a method of your preference. According to different formulas, you may require things like a cleaning scraper, brush, cleaning cloth or towel, soap, unpolished and unalloyed salt, etc. Adjust the process by analyzing the condition and grits which you have to remove. After the pre-provision, advance towards the implementation of the formula. 

How to Clean the Cast Iron Flat Top Grill with Boiled Water?

The simple cleaning can be done with the simplistic use of boiled water. Hot water works effectively for softening the hard food particles which later get easier to be taken off. 

  • First of all, boil a modest amount of water by using high heat. The quantity of the water should be enough to cover up the whole surface of the grill with at least one inch of thickness. Then wait for 10 to 15 minutes. 
  • While you wait, the boiled water will make the dirt removable. Dismount all the water. Use a scraper or even a cleaning brush to get rid of all those unexpected parts from the cooktop.
  • Finally, take a towel or dry clothes and mob over the flat top to dry out it quickly and to give a finishing touch.

How to Clean the Cast Iron Flat Top Grill with a combination of salt and hot water?

Unpolished salt is a very effective naturalistic element for effective cleanliness. This salt has structural features which will liquefy those tough particles. 

  • Take a proportional amount of unpolished salts and spread firmly over the whole cooking space of the cast iron flat top grill.
  • After spreading the salt, use some hot water over that salt so that the sticky-salty water may work more effectively. Wait for some time to proceed to the next step. 
  • Then take a towel or paper and move your hand over the surface in order to get off the spared food parts with a relatively hard touch. 
  • In the end, use a clean cloth to efface all the water and salt to give the cooktop a polished look.
  • You can even use only salt for cleaning the particles.

How to Clean the Cast Iron Flat Top Grill with soap and water?

The combined use of soap and water can give you efficient results regarding the cleanliness of the cast iron flat top grill.

  • In the beginning, sprinkle some gentle detergent powder over the whole area of the cooktop. Mix some hot water and use a brush or sponge to cover up every inch with that soapy water.
  • Within a few minutes, the dirt and the leftover components of food will become soft enough to be rubbed off the surface.
  • Use a dry-clean sponge or brush and towel to wipe away the wetness

Also Read: How to Clean a Flat Top Grill With Vinegar?

Seasoning the cast iron flat top grill

Though every cooking works like a mild seasoning for this tool, an advanced seasoning process will make the cast iron durable, resistant, and comfortably washable. Vegetable oil works more effectively in this regard. Apply oil over the cleaned surface and heat up the surface with a temperature in between 400 to 500 degrees limit.  Carry on the process for 8 to 10 minutes and swab it with a towel.

Final Thoughts

While you intend to clean your gadget, make sure you cool down the cooktop before the application of any sort of cleaning accessories. Besides, don’t continue further use before making your cast iron flat top grill completely dry. Cast iron coating is very durable and user-friendly. Yet, the multiple cooking purposes can create some unfavorable conditions.  So, for having the best out of your cast iron flat top grill, daily or routine-based cleaning will be intensively helpful. 


Tina Jordan here. Cooking delicious dishes for my family has always been a passion for me. Kitchen and cooking go hand in hand. I have spent a lot of time in my kitchen (still do), so I have a very clear understanding of kitchen gadgets.

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